Spaying and Neutering for Pets

Spaying or neutering reduces the risk of certain health issues and prevents unwanted pregnancies.

Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures that alter your pet’s ability to reproduce. The procedure is performed in our surgical suite, with our highly skilled veterinary team monitoring your dog or cat throughout. If you’re interested in learning more about the procedure, please contact us at 613-384-0986.

What is spaying and neutering?

Both procedures remove your dog or cat’s reproductive organs, stopping their ability to reproduce. Since the procedures are irreversible, you won’t have to worry about an unexpected litter or your pet impregnating another pet. We take every precaution to ensure your dog or cat is safe during the procedure as well as providing them with postoperative care to support a full and healthy recovery. Spaying and neutering procedures typically involve the following:

  • Pre-surgery bloodwork
  • Discussing detailed information about the procedure
  • Administering anesthetic
  • Removing the testicles (males) or ovaries and uterus (females)
  • Monitoring them closely throughout the procedure

How will you keep my pet safe?

Spaying or neutering is considered a major surgery so anesthesia will be used. Anesthesia ensures your dog or cat’s safety while we’re operating. Before anesthesia is administered, we perform bloodwork to determine if your pet is healthy enough for surgery and how their body will respond to it. Anesthesia is administered by our highly-trained veterinarians with years of experience.

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